Rosemary’s Head Shave

Rosemary was volunteering selling 50/50 tickets at Steelers games, when, like many others, met Amy, and became inspired by her story and selflessly wanted to do her bit to support the hospital. So on the 21st February prior to the game, Jason Hewitt and Rob Dowd shaved Rosemary’s head to raise an amazing £1,357.00!                 “Amy’s bravery and strength through everything has been inspiring and she brings out the best in everyone she meets. Even when she’s got her own stuff to deal with, she’s the one to make sure everyone else is OK and it was an honour to do this.” – Rosemary Wilcockson    ...

Blight’s Fun Fund

Chris Blight was a Sheffield Steeler the year Amy and I got involved, he and his girlfriend Sarah were huge support to the both of us, and became good friends. Chris moved on to play for Dundee the following season. They remained as supportive as ever, and the day we found out Amy’s cancer was untreatable, I received a call from Chris Blight and Sarah. They said that raising money for the hospital was amazing, but they wanted to help Amy enjoy her final months, and selflessly set up a ‘Fun Fund’. By the the Amy passed it had reached over 5,000....

10K Run in the Park

I felt helpless, thinking of ways I could give back to the hospital that were helping so much extend our time with our girl, I mentioned joining the 10k Weston Park Run in the Park, and Amy loved the idea, so I signed up and put up a just giving page. Within hours the target was exceeded, thanks again to the ice hockey community. We totaled £7,773.50, and achieved a place in the top 1% of fundraisers on JustGiving that year!     The following year, I kept my promise and was supported and joined by our friends, Hewy, Ben, Jess and we did the 10K proudly wearing Amy’s name. Jess and I raised £1,955.00, and Ben’s page reached £736.00. (images of the boys, and Jess and I and the...

Ice Bucket Challenge

The Steelers have helped significantly with fundraising for Weston Park. Starting with the Ice bucket challenge –  which Amy convinced me to join with the boys!


